Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We are living in a material world (sing it!)

I love me some Kenny Loggins, particularly Danny's Song - you know, "even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey, blah blah blah..." I used to think it was so romantical, and it's how I would feel if I were having a child. Wow, what a crock, huh? I think if I was having a kid 5- 7 years ago, still in my 20's and earlier in my career, I could get by on the power of hugs and kisses.

But now I'm jaded enough to know that Kenny Loggins didn't consider the incredible inflation of education and health care costs coupled with the sharp decline in access to retirement funds. Nor could he have predicted the current state of our economy and job market. Kenny also clearly never worked an office job, where after you've done it for a few years you begin to consider the cost benefit analysis of every hour spent, and the price of everything comes sharply into focus as you calculate how many hours you worked to make that purchase. Also, Kenny must have rented - because the maintenance costs of owning a home, and the repairs that are associated with replacing a roof, getting new carpet, installing a dishwasher....all things necessary to welcome baby... are not paid for with sunshine and candy canes.

No, we are living in a material world, and I am a material girl. It has been many years that I have avoided admitting that, years spent trying to convince myself that I don't care as much as other people about "things." But now, with each little kick and flutter of my baby warrior princess (yes, it's a girl for sure!), I am reminded of all the things I want to be able to give her. And all the things I want for myself. I want a nice house, in a nice neighborhood - with nice landscaping and neighbors that don't sell bootleg DVD's off their front porch at all hours of the night (even if the neighbor discount rates are commendable).

And sweetheart...now that I've come clean about my vile materialistic nature - it does matter to me if I get an anniversary present, birthday present, valentines day present (I know! Who am I?), and Christmas/holiday present(SSSssss). I do not like yellow roses, but I do like any orange or purple flower, I do not like gaudy jewelry, but I do like candy - as have previously mentioned in earlier posts. I am also particularly appreciative of handmade gifts and cards, so keep em coming.

And just who the hell are you Kenny Loggins to make me feel bad about myself for saying these things? Does it mean I love less if I want nice stuff? You sing, "In the morning when I rise, bring a tear of joy to my eyes..," about the only thing that would bring a tear of joy to my eyes would be knowing that I had enough money to quit my job. Otherwise any tears cried at the waking hour are not tears of joy. If I knew you Kenny, I'd punch you in the face myself, for all the women who have been bamboozled by you selling your unwillingness to get a decent job as some type of romantic endeavor. F U!

I don't think I should listen to the radio on my morning commute anymore...

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