Friday, January 22, 2010

Front Porch

Driving in to work today (they FINALLY gave me a parking pass so I"m not having to walk a mile to and from the train station every day) I was listening to some old CDs while sitting in traffic. As we've discussed before, my emotions have been a bit overwhelming for the duration of this pregnancy and as I sang along with Robert Earl this AM I found myself in a flood of nostalgia and desperately missing Texas.

Like any true Texan, I LOVE Texas...and I have the t-shirt and bumper sticker to prove it. The fondness for my home state baffles my husband, as PA isn't exactly selling out of keystone shaped memorabilia, nor are the citizens bound by an unspoken code to put a "boot in your ass" should you "mess with" PA. To me, Texas is homemade sweet tea, good manners, a quiet pride and loud humbleness, a smile at a stranger, a really long drive that you actually look forward to because the music is so good and the conversation so easy.

But I love Philadelphia too, there is no comparison to this city. The diversity, the culture, the unapologetic sincerity, the unwillingness to take it easy - the blunt acknowledgement of how far there is to go and why we need to get there. Philadelphia has been good to me, it hasn't taken care of me the way Texas did, but rather made me learn to take care of myself. This city has forced me to take a long hard look at myself, accept what I see, and discard a lot of that southern guilt that, despite how much sugar comes with it, isn't as easy to down as the sweet tea.

But on this morning, driving through the city, singing...

"This old porch is just a long time of waiting and forgetting.
Remembering the coming back and not crying about the leaving.
And remembering the falling down and the laughter of the curse of luck,
From all those son's of bitches who said we'd never get back up.."

...I'm looking forward to us remembering the coming back. Love you family, miss you much. Wish you all were here as the days get closer to baby Morganti's arrival.

The Front Porch Song

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