Sunday, February 14, 2010

What's up Doc?

I knew from hearing my friends tell stories that it would take us a long time to actually get ourselves ready to leave the house - so I gave myself an hour to start preparing for Mila's first doctor appointment. Silly, silly, girl. I'm starting to realize now that we're parents an hour is an irrelevant amount of time, we probably could have given ourselves three hours and it wouldn't have mattered. Nevertheless, we finally get there, only 5 minutes or so late, and the following is a recap of Mila meeting her doctor:

In exam room #9, Chris and I place Mila on the table and wait.

Marcia: "I guess we should check her diaper before the doctor gets here."
Mila: "I peed"
Marcia: Gets out clean diaper from bag..."Shit, I forgot to bring wipes."
Chris: "There's a box of Kleenex on the counter...."
Marcia: Uses Kleenex. "That was a horrible idea"
Mila: covered in wet Kleenex "I'm peeing again. On the table"
Chris: Holding first dirty cloth diaper "What do I do with this diaper?"
Marcia: "I don't know, I didn't bring anything to put it in"
Chris: Digs through all cabinets in exam room #9 and finds a plastic bag.
Mila: "I think I need to poop."
Marcia: Makes walk of shame to nurses station to ask for baby wipes. Nurse eyes her amusingly. Wipes Mila, bags up both dirty diapers and shares a sigh of relief with Chris that an embarassing first meeting with the doc was avoided.
Mila: "POOP!!!"
Chris: laughing, "How many diapers did you bring?"
Marcia: changing Mila. "five"

ENTER DOCTOR (Mila is half naked and poopy)

Doc: "Hello, My name is Dr. Wood"
Chris: "Hello"
Marcia: finishing up with Mila, picking her up. "Hello"
Mila: "MORE POOP!!!!"
Marcia: Sheepishly, "She keeps pooping herself" (I didn't know what to say!). Changes Mila into her last clean cloth diaper and picks her up.
Doc: "That's ok. Are you breastfeeding?" Doc proceeds to ask questions about Mila's delivery and how her breastfeeding is going....
Mila: Undeterred...Loudly..."POOP, POOP, POOP, POOPY POOPERSON!!"
Marcia: "I don't have any more diapers"
Doc: "Check the cabinet under the table."
Chris: "I guess we know what she thinks of this place."

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