Monday, November 23, 2009

Birthing Babies 102

I will keep this short and sweet, kind of like part two of our childbirth class which was supposed to go from 9-12, but ended at 10:20.

Yes, I want an epidural. No, I did not need to see the needle. How horrific, why in the hell would you show us that? Has anyone ever said, "Yes, I'm aware you're going to jab what I've heard is a giant needle into my spine...before you do so can I please examine it to guarantee that it is in fact a giant ass needle? Oh good, it's bigger than I thought, that's what I was hoping for." Seriously, I could have done without seeing it.

All of the fathers in the room were given a handout of what they can expect
after the baby arrives. Like all of the other handouts that we had received from this particular class, this was a vintage version - reminding fathers to be patient with new moms as they may not have hot dinner on the table everynight for a few weeks. The nurse giving the class also took a moment to tell all of us ladies to be to sure make dad feel special those first few weeks, take the time to coddle him and maybe do something nice for him like buy tickets to the ball game for him and his buddies....Poor Nurse, she never saw it coming, death by epidural needle. Hence, the early conclusion of class that day.

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