Friday, August 28, 2009

White Bread

I'm so mad at my husband that I haven't spoken to him in days - which for him means i'm not screaming at him anymore, so i'm not sure who is showing who here. I think our poor dogs can sense my unbridled emotions, which have ranged in the past 24 hours from pure joy to manic depression to ravenous hatred and back to a distilled joy. All of these things bubble below the surface as I sit watching Project Runway last night. Some of this is my husbands fault, but I think it's also due to the surge of hormones that tend to make most girls weepy and needy but for some reason turn me into a superhero whose powers are spite, revenge, cold hearted comments and icy glares. Those of you who knew me in the late 90's on the birth control shot, and subsequently begged me to get off of it, I am 100 times worse during this pregnancy.

I was on such an emotional rollercoaster yesterday, that I didn't even eat dinner. Around the second commercial break of Project Runway I realize I'm starving, but have no desire to make anything. A loaf of white bread - gasp! yes, white bread - stares at me from the stovetop. I bought it earlier this week at the grocery store. We haven't had white bread in our house in years, opting usually for the wheat varieties because people tell us that 's what we should eat and who am I to make my own decisions on these things. I ate a piece yesterday and it was squishy and yummy, I questioned why I ever switched to wheat - it's not like I ever ate 10 sandwhiches a day and the bread conversion has somehow been a major life saver. Generally, I buy bread a few times a year when the mood hits me for a sandwhich, and the loaf usually goes bad before I even eat half of it - so I think on this issue I will take a stand and tell the health gurus to shove it.

I get the peanut butter out of the pantry, and the strawberry perserves out of the fridge - both also recently purchased at the grocery store along with the white bread when a good old fashioned PB & J craving hit me. Despite my sour mood, and the fact that the dogs are scared to hell of me right now, we did have fun for a fleeting moment dancing around the kitchen while I made my sandwhich singing "It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time." My pups, they know just how to cheer me up.

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